JOKES ASIDE by Nadiv Molcho

JOKES ASIDE by Nadiv Molcho


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In this episode of "Jokes Aside", Nadiv sits down with his parents Samy and Haya Molcho. This one hour conversation covers their positive perspective on life, relationships and the balance of family vs career. They speak openly about their up's and down's, their individual hardships and the ground stones they've built together within their now 45 year marriage. What does it mean to build a strong foundation as a couple and still accept each other's differences? How important are values? Have a listen and make sure to have a pen and paper nearby!


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About this podcast

"JOKES ASIDE" is Nadiv Molcho's first podcast! He uses this platform to talk all things comedy related, but also dares to go to places where it really, freaking, hurts... whether he's entertaining you all alone behind the mic, or chatting with interesting guests, Nadiv doesn't shy away from topics close to his heart. He certainly doesn't have all the answers, but here's to getting one step closer in discovering his perspective on the world, today.

by Nadiv Molcho


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