JOKES ASIDE by Nadiv Molcho

JOKES ASIDE by Nadiv Molcho

EPISODE 4: HER NAME WAS COVID (She was a Showgirl)

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In this episode of "Jokes Aside", Nadiv sits down with himself again and tries to decode the strange time's he's living in. Bare with him on this one! He sings (totally hit that high note), improvises, rambles on a bit about home work-outs and something about getting back up again 8 times after falling down 7 times... I think Denzel Washington said that once during an award show acceptance speech.... anyway, switch off and enjoy the ride!


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About this podcast

"JOKES ASIDE" is Nadiv Molcho's first podcast! He uses this platform to talk all things comedy related, but also dares to go to places where it really, freaking, hurts... whether he's entertaining you all alone behind the mic, or chatting with interesting guests, Nadiv doesn't shy away from topics close to his heart. He certainly doesn't have all the answers, but here's to getting one step closer in discovering his perspective on the world, today.

by Nadiv Molcho


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